SOMA points
Discover our loyalty points program and unlock the rewards you deserve.
Earn points easily through various actions (even without placing an order) and redeem them in our online store.
Ways to earn SOMA points
Celebrate your birthday: 50 SOMA Points
Follow us on Instagram: 50 SOMA Points
Register: 200 SOMA Points
Place an order: 3 SOMA Points every time you spend €1 -
Ways to redeem SOMA points
€20 discount coupon: 2000 SOMA Points
€5 discount coupon: 500 SOMA Points
€10 discount coupon: 1000 SOMA Points
Collapsible content
How much does it cost to join the rewards program?
Our rewards program is completely free to join and you can start earning points right away.
Are the discounts applicable to any item in your web store?
Your SOMA points are valid for discount coupons that apply to all our products, except for personalized packs.
Is there a limit to the number of SOMA Points I can earn?
There is no limit. Earn as many SOMA points as you can, through purchases or any of the ways we detail above.
Can SOMA points be combined with other promotions or coupons?
SOMA points cannot be combined with any promotional offers.